Who are the SFSA?
St Faith’s has a thriving School Association, the SFSA, who run all sorts of different events throughout the year to raise funds for a variety of different things to enhance the life of the school.
Anyone is welcome to participate in the activities of the Association, and officer-members can be contacted through the school office. The SFSA is a registered charity (214515).
What do we do?
The objects of the association is to advance the education of pupils in the school in particular by:
- developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school
- engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.
How is the money spent?
Money raised is spent enhancing the school experience of the children, and includes regular contributions to school life (Listen2Me music lessons, leavers' bibles, Y6 ties, Shakespeare performances, subsidising school visitors etc.) as well as fundraising for larger one-off projects (refurbishment of Infants outside area, replacement of reading resources, replenishment of musical instruments, creation of amphitheatre seating in quiet area, new white board for Silver Birch, laptop refurbishment scheme, pupil iPads etc.).
What kind of events do we run to raise money?
Previous events include:
- Adults disco
- Film and pyjama nights for the children
- Christmas fete, including the collection of pre-ordered Christmas trees and wreaths
- Children’s disco
- Adults quiz night
- Easter egg and Christmas hunts for the children
- Summer fete
- Christmas card orders
- Lots of cake sales!
What other revenue streams are there?
- Grants - we’re a charity but currently have no grants. Is this something you can help with?
- Matched funding - can your company do this?
- Product donations - we’ve had some amazing donations for raffles, stalls at fairs, tombolas etc.
- Sponsorship - e.g. Purdie and Swan
How can I get involved?
The SFSA are always looking for more volunteers to help plan and run events, but know that many parents work full time so are better placed to 'attend and spend' as their way of supporting. If you would like to get involved, please contact st.faiths.sa@gmail.com