Vision for Music
Music at St Faith's ensure that every child is exposed to a wide variety of different musical experiences in various contexts: from whole-school worship, including in a church setting, to classroom lessons and small-group sessions; as well as the chance to experience high-quality live music from professional musicians. This exposure acts as a spring-board for children to strive for further musical creativity. Thus, children are encouraged to develop their confidence as musicians through both voice and instrument work. Children listen, compose, perform and develop an ability to evaluate musical works throughout a range of historical periods, focusing particularly on the works of great composers.
Structure and organisation
Teaching is organised sequentially based on continued progression through the musical dimensions, taken from Hampshire Music Service's 'Pathway to Musical Independence':
Pitch | |
Duration |
Dynamics |
Tempo |
Timbre |
Texture |
Structure |
In the Juniors, children are invited to learn a musical instrument. We currently offer paid tuition for guitar, violin, flute, saxophone, mini (French) horn, trumpet and cornet.