

St. Faith’s is a small primary school which is situated on the edge of Winchester in the beautiful historic setting of St. Cross. We are strongly committed to excellence in teaching and learning by providing diverse opportunities and a balanced curriculum within a Christian environment. Please see the Headteacher's Welcome in 'About Us' for more. Please contact the school for a guided tour.

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St Faith's

Church of England Primary School

Together: We Learn, We Share, We Pray, We Care with Courage, Trust, Love and Hope

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We believe that children should always be guided towards achieving and maintaining high standards of
behaviour, where respect for others, their property and their feelings has the highest priority. We teach
children that their happiness and safety, and the safety of others, is the reason for rules and that
inappropriate behaviour is unacceptable. We take a restorative approach, acknowledging consequence and encouraging forgiveness

The following steps are taken in order although in some cases behaviour may warrant starting further down. These sanctions may be modified in accordance with best practice for children with emotional behaviour problems

  1. The child is given a verbal warning and a chance to modify behaviour.
  2. The child misses some time at break time or lunchtime.
  3. Class teacher informs member of SLT (Senior Leadership Team) of repeated unacceptable behaviour and an informal chat takes place between Class Teacher and Parent to discuss ways forward.
  4. A formal meeting is set up between the parents and the class teacher and a member of SLT to discuss the next steps, with the possibility of the child being put on a chart with individual targets set and/or sessions with the ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant).
  5. The SENDCo, class teacher and Head teacher develop an Individual Support Plan for the child.
  6. Additional external support services will be contacted as required.
  7. If the situation warrants it, the Headteacher informs parents of the possibility of Suspension


Internal exclusions

Playtime/Lunchtime debarment may be put in place if poor behaviour is continually displayed over the playtime/lunchtime period.

Our full Behaviour in Schools Policy can be found under Safeguarding and Pastoral in the policies section of website.

