We are very fortunate to have a close association with the Hospital of St Cross. The children have regular opportunities to go to the church for both services and workshops. Members of the congregation come to the school every week to lead “Open the Book” assemblies and are also in school regularly to hear the children read. Reverend Phillip is on our Governing body and regularly leads acts of worship at the school throughout the year, as well as hosting us at St. Cross for our signification calendar events. Parish of St. Faith's website.
St Faith’s C.E. Primary School is in partnership with other local Primary Schools and Kings’ School, Winchester. Although there is a wide choice of schools for Year 7 and upwards, we have an excellent relationship with Kings’ School. Staff and leadership from the school work closely with us to ensure pupils have a smooth transition to secondary education, with high expectations and rich challenges ahead of them. Children who attend St Faith’s C.E. Primary School meet the criteria 4ii in the Kings’ School Admission policy, prioritising them above others out of catchment pupils, who are not in a partnership school. King's School website.

We are proud to be part of the Kings' Cluster of feeder primary schools. We work closely together to share resources and knowledge, sharing best practice for the benefit of all our pupils.