

St. Faith’s is a small primary school which is situated on the edge of Winchester in the beautiful historic setting of St. Cross. We are strongly committed to excellence in teaching and learning by providing diverse opportunities and a balanced curriculum within a Christian environment. Please see the Headteacher's Welcome in 'About Us' for more. Please contact the school for a guided tour.

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St Faith's

Church of England Primary School

Together: We Learn, We Share, We Pray, We Care with Courage, Trust, Love and Hope

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Our Subject Champion for PSHE is Miss. Spiers


Our PSHE curriculum is designed to give the children of St. Faith's the tools they need to move through life with confidence, in terms of understanding how to care for themselves and others, and giving them the resilience to face challenges in their lives. Our PSHE is an integral part of growing healthy, balanced children, whilst fostering healthy respect for differences between each other.



Each half-term has a different whole-school theme, supported by the teaching during collective worship time. We follow a three-year cycle in the pattern of:

Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Me and my relationshipsValuing DifferencesKeeping myself safeRights and responsibilitiesBeing my bestGrowing and changing


Using material from SCARF: Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship, the children are taught an age-appropriate understanding in each of these areas, each year building on the next.
