

St. Faith’s is a small primary school which is situated on the edge of Winchester in the beautiful historic setting of St. Cross. We are strongly committed to excellence in teaching and learning by providing diverse opportunities and a balanced curriculum within a Christian environment. Please see the Headteacher's Welcome in 'About Us' for more. Please contact the school for a guided tour.

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St Faith's

Church of England Primary School

Together: We Learn, We Share, We Pray, We Care with Courage, Trust, Love and Hope

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School Values

  • Courage Being prepared to have a go, do the very best we can and learn from our mistakes
  • Trust Sharing responsibility for and with each other and refusing to live in doubt or suspicion
  • Love Putting others before ourselves
  • Hope Sharing in the joy that comes from the belief that all is never lost
  • Courage Being prepared to have a go, do the very best we can and learn from our mistakes
  • Trust Sharing responsibility for and with each other and refusing to live in doubt or suspicion
  • Love Putting others before ourselves
  • Hope Sharing in the joy that comes from the belief that all is never lost


Admissions Consultation 2026-27 / Senior Administrative and Finance Officer Vacancy

Admissions Consultation is now live for the draft admissions policy 2026-2027. Please find information for this here: https://www.st-faiths.hants.sch.uk/admissions/

Please follow this link for more information about the Senior Administrative and Finance Officer Vacancy: