

St. Faith’s is a small primary school which is situated on the edge of Winchester in the beautiful historic setting of St. Cross. We are strongly committed to excellence in teaching and learning by providing diverse opportunities and a balanced curriculum within a Christian environment. Please see the Headteacher's Welcome in 'About Us' for more. Please contact the school for a guided tour.

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St Faith's

Church of England Primary School

Together: We Learn, We Share, We Pray, We Care with Courage, Trust, Love and Hope

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Acting Headteacher's Welcome

"Through the teaching of Jesus Christ and our Christian values, it is our goal to equip each and every child with the skills and tools they need to become successful, respectful and thoughtful citizens in our ever-changing future; to have the confidence, motivation, resilience, ambition and drive to strive for their dreams and to become lifelong learners."



St. Faith's has an excellent reputation for high academic achievement, married with a kind, caring environment. We pride ourselves on growing children who leave the school well-equipped for the next stage of their education, whilst being absolutely committed to giving them a broad range of experiences along the way. St. Faith's is a Church of England School, committed to loving each other and our world well. We make use of Lockburn, our pond and wildlife area backing onto the water meadows, which provides the children with a strong sense of local identity and placement in their natural surroundings, as well as being a focus for all of their outdoor learning.

Together: We Learn, We Share, We Pray, We Care,

with Courage, Trust, Hope and Love.

The school has a strong sense of community, valuing our links with the Parish of St. Faith's. We are very fortunate to visit the Chapel of St. Cross for the major celebrations on the Christian calendar, as well as welcoming members of the St. Faith's Parish community each week to help lead the school in its distinctively Christian character.


The aim of this site is to provide you with all the information you might need about the school life of St. Faith's pupils, and how as parents and members of the community you can engage with that. It is new, and continually growing, so please do contact the school if you wish to find out further information or to arrange a visit.



Mrs. Eleanor Guy

Acting Headteacher
